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More details about the professor accused of cruelty

SPEAK can today disclose that the individual investigated by the police for cruelty is a leading Professor at Oxford University. We are aware of the department they work in but cannot disclose these details at the moment, due to an ongoing investigation into the matter by our legal representatives. Despite the University's attempts at stifling the truth and muzzling those attempting to highlight the deceit and lies coming from the University, we can disclose some of the details of the communication we have received from people working within the University who are appalled at the behaviour of both the University and the vivisector themselves.

The information we have received describes the catalogue of a monkey's unimaginable suffering at the hands of a person more interested in the pursuit of their ego-driven career than in bestowing the simple act of final mercy that would allow his victim the release of death.

The account details how "The monkey was suffering from a brain infection caused by electrodes being inserted into its brain, through a chamber in its head cap. The vets tried to treat the monkey but it was in too much pain and couldn't be helped." It goes on to describe how "the home office inspector demanded that the monkey be put down" but the professor "argued and refused" however "eventually he backed down but only after the monkey had suffered for a long time."

Even more disturbing is that, according to the anonymous correspondent, "this is not an isolated event." The professor "has a long history of lying, cheating and deceiving his way up the ladder and out of trouble. His current project licence has expired and he is battling to get a new one."

It would appear from the communication that this vivisector is a law unto himself within the University, and further, that "Anyone that tries to stand up to him is brushed aside. He is bullying all those that stand in his way and will stop at nothing to get what he wants." The letter chillingly ends: "They are already keeping his other monkeys alive for him for when he gets another licence."

His continuing employment by the university is surely an indictment of a University hierarchy that protects such individuals. One would have thought he would sully their avowed reputation of excellence, and prove an embarrassment should details of his habitual flouting of the law become more public than they have hitherto. The fact that they are protecting him only proves how hollow their fine words are, not that we need any convincing of that, as we have highlighted an almost constant stream of lies emanating from the University in the past 7 months since the campaign began. If a member of the public charged with cruelty to animals had committed similar acts, they would be serving a criminal sentence. It seems there is one law for the public arena, and another, entirely different one for those working in animal medical research establishements. SPEAK to not intend to put this matter to rest. This man WILL be brought to justice within a legal framework.

It may be too late for the monkey he tortured but it's not too late for the animals destined to die inside the new lab in South Parks Rd, if it is ever built. This is an important fight in the history of the anti-vivisection movement. We must not be deterred by injunctions and bully tactics. These methods are to be expected from those organisations that know they are losing the argument. We have a hard fight ahead, but its one in which we're ahead. Let's stay that way. And let's win this one.

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